#7. Anyway, Thank you.

Today was really a long one despite school ending at 1330hrs. Econs lecture was really bad as I tried so badly, probably two-third of the whole time trying to keep my eyes open. I was 2 rows right in front of the lecturer, that was why.
There's a GP presentation tomorrow. Surprisingly, even though we were often encouraged to speak up such a high academic level, this is only the 2nd time I'm out and speaking to the class; first time with the 06s to be accurate.
This 03 Promos compre paper that I'm doing now is so damn hard. Argh!
Anyway, I was so mad that I didn't want to say anything when LF said that Zaobao is all crap and ST is the best. I mean, yea ST is good but why bring down my favourite paper?! Kandangs, stupid Kandangs.
My Retro Lao Die took off his specs after all that peer pressure?! Hurhur :)
Oh, a summary and an application question to go.
Cya around and goodnight.
By the way, thank you you. :)
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