Vann, this is just so dumbdumb lar. GRRRRR, why tag me? (
Ma fan) Ok, since you're so eager to know .... :)
The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover. Need to mention the sex of the target. Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, theres no need to post again.
Sex : Male
Qualities(Not in order of importance):
Speaks my Language.Good Mandrian, preferbly good 文笔.
Emotionally strong and stable.I cannot stand man who always crumble to me, calling for emotional help. Its alright to feel insecure about life sometimes, but you know, not too much of anything. It would be best if you're a really strong person, emotionally and physically. :)
Gentleman.I got this from
Vann, haha. I think men should be sensible enough to offer help when I really need them. No need to pull the chair at a kopitiam but be at least kind enough to volunteer to send a girl home when its reasonably late or carry stuff when I cannot manage. (I've got so much to say for this point 'cos
tkd guys really lack this initiative that I've to ask for volunteers everytime, grrr, haha.)
Not too sensitive.The reason is simple, I'm just not sensitive enough myself, get it? When you get too sensitive,you freak me out alright? :)
A house-husband material.I love food, so if you can cook, I'll love you. Hoho! If you can mop, Bonus! And, if you do sew, Bingo!
Passable looks. Tall and good build.My boy needs to look presentable right?
Nocturnal.Lala, I'm done. I'll save the 8 pple from this game first till i decide who to tag :)